
In this guide, we'll look at how you can view and update the settings associated with your user profile.


You can control how your profile will appear to other users in the Maddox App by editing information like your name, phone number, job title, and bio. Simply make your changes and hit the "Submit" button to save them. You can also view your public profile page by clicking the "View" button.

A screenshot of the user profile fields you can change in settings


Every action taken in the Maddox App is associated with a user, and the way those user actions are identified is through the use of a unique authentication token and user ID. You can find your authentication token and user ID in the "Authentication" section of your settings page. You can reveal your authentication token by clicking the "Reveal Token" toggle, or copy it straight to your clipboard by clicking the "Copy Token" button.

A screenshot of a user's authentication token and id

Linked Accounts

Your employee profile may contain links to other systems to which you have access. You can view and manage these links in the "Linked Accounts" section of your settings page. At this point in time, managing these connections is only possible by a Maddox Admin, so if you need to add or remove a linked account, please contact the #systems channel in Slack.

A screenshot of a user's authentication token and id

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